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Senior Project

Senior Project is the capstone project for students preparing for graduation from RUHS. It consists of six parts, all of which must be completed in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the deadlines on the Senior Project Timeline and Calendar.

You can view the Senior Project Manuel here.

The six parts of the Senior Project are as follows:

PROPOSAL: In the spring of junior year, each student presents their idea for a Senior Project to a panel for pre-approval in an area of study that challenges them and will hold their interest during the yearlong process. The final proposal includes a letter of intent, a signed mentor agreement, and a parent/ guardian permission form.

PAPER: Each senior writes a paper on a topic related to the Senior Project.

PRODUCT: Each senior creates a learning experience that requires spending at least thirty (30) hours using knowledge gained from research and from working with a mentor. Their Product is the culminating effort from their Senior Project experience.

PORTFOLIO: The portfolio documents the process and journey the student used to complete their Senior Project. It includes a time sheet that records the time spent working on their project; documentation of the process of creating their final product; and a journal reflecting on their work, their process, and their personal growth.

DISPLAY: The Open House in May showcases the entire portfolio and product in the form of an interactive Display. The product might not be tangible; for example, the student might spend time tutoring or working at a service agency, but the portfolio will document what was done, in the form of photographs, videos, or a slideshow. Some students wish to participate in a performance as part of the documentation of their product, which usually takes place during the Night of the Arts in May. The Senior Project Open House is open for viewing by parents, students, panel members and the public.

DEFENSE: Each senior will present an eight to ten minute oral defense of their entire Senior Project to the panel in May. The oral defense is followed by a five to eight minute question and answer period.
Senior Project is an important way for students – and our community – to engage in an exciting learning process that allows our students to demonstrate the independent learning skills they have cultivated over their time at Randolph Union High School.


Previous years projects can be found here for 2022 and 2023.

Annabelle Sprague stands in front of her Senior Project display on Horseshoeing and Hoof Anatomy